Saturday, 9 August 2014

Summoner's Fav

My first time painting League related fan art. I've never play that game before and i'm a Dota person...
It's good to explore something different.

Made a promise to a friend that i'm going to paint her a League fan art. Even though there's no deadline, i will try my best to complete this with joy.


Karma ? Garen ? or Nasus ?


I'll paint all of them. xD

Here we go

Here's a very rough sketch that i'm going for.

Add a bit color just to give myself an idea of how it will end up later. 

Few key points of this painting i need to focus on


I will continue sketch some more poses of the characters and decide how to make the 3 characters stand out.

Thursday, 7 August 2014

August Update

Many stuff happened during my past month. Recently i'm found my interest in Matte Painting and i've been stocking up tons of stock images which i'll be utilising them soon. Pending Projects and Art work are still on the go.

As for my next project will be a something special. I'll be doing a league of legends fan art/character.

either Karma or Garen or Nasus

This will be my first time painting League related art. So....research research research!!!!!
I'll be working on this project this Saturday, chillax and paint awesome stuff will be something for this cominh weekend.

For now....wait till Saturday

Cheers ~